Healthcare Policy: providing access to health insurance and making it affordable, passing SCHIP expansion to cover working class families earning 300% of the federal poverty level or approximately $60K/Yr. for a family of 4, creating a healthcare purchasing exchange similar to what members of Congress enjoy, a Medicare Buy-in option, mandatory COBRA to age 65, increasing access to medical facilities and allowing National Guardsmen and Reservists to be eligible for TRICARE.
A plan also calls for lowering the cost of prescription drugs and, because of our proximity to Canada, allowing prescription drug reimportation if the prescriptions are safe and more affordable. Powers also calls for breaking up monopolies and increasing competition, citing the 400 healthcare mergers in the past decade.
Additionally, Powers' plan calls for electronic medical records to save money (and potentially avert health problems in emergencies), aid for small businesses for catastrophic care, phasing out of excessive Medicare overpayments to HMOs, and ensuring premiums are spent on patients.
After listening to seniors' concerns about the high costs of prescriptions , health insurance companies assessing risk pools like those for auto insurance. answer simple "Take away the incentive for it."
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