Friday, February 26, 2010


First, Congress is debating how to cover the uninsured, as if that is the principal
problem of our health system.
Should we have a public plan option? Should we expand Medicare? Medicaid?
Should there be a mandate to buy health insurance? Obama believes that health
system reform will require a massive infusion of tax money to cover the uninsured,
also his primary issue.
Both Congress and Obama are wrong. The issue is not coverage, it is cost control,
or more specifically, waste elimination. Per-capita taxation for health care is higher
in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world. More than one-third of the $4 trillion
collected in state and federal taxes this year will go to health care.
If we limited health spending to just those tax dollars we would be spending more
than any other nation on health care. Yet we add another $1 trillion to our health
spending through private payment of employer premiums and family co-payments
. Per-capita health spending is twice as high as it is in any other nation, and rising faster,
because we waste half our health spending on inefficiency and poor quality.

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